Sapphire Solutions, Inc.

Technical Support

Many software providers offer technical support to two persons in your organization.

Sapphire Solutions offers unlimited technical support to our clients and prospective clients. Each named user of the OLAP system is supported via E-mail.  Sapphire welcomes your entire organization to take advantage of our complimentary technical support, CEO, CFO, CIO/CTO, VP Finance, VP Sales, IT Data Warehouse Managers, Essbase DBA's, and all end-users of the Essbase OLAP solutions.

Technical Support Request Form
Please provide the following contact information:
First Name
Last Name
Work Phone

Please provide your account information:

business loans Small Business Loans Short Term Loads Big Lines of Credit Long Term Loans Equipment Financing SBA Loans best business loans Working Capital Merchant Cash Advances
Essbase User ID
Essbase Application Server Name
Application Web Server Name

Your OLAP System Role: (select one)

Finance/Sales Administrator
Essbase DBA
Finance/Sales end user
IT- data source manger (DW, ERP)
Executive user

Please provide a short description of the Technical Support Request :  

Please explain the issues in detail, including system error messages descriptions and undesirable results.

Please describe how we can REPLICATE the steps that lead to the system errors:




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